Sharing our Messages from 2022
Click the Date for the Message ... Title for the Outline
07.17.22 - "Rejoice in the Lord" (Pt. 1) - Philip. 3:1-11, Acts 22:1-10, Rom. 10:1-3
07.10.22 - "The Consequences of Spiritual Indifference" - 2 Kings 25
07.03.22 - "The Life of a Sojourner" - Communion Devotional
06.26.22 - "Persistently Pursued ... Continually Mocked" - 2 Kings 23:25-24:17
06.19.22 - "A Heart Turned Toward God" - 2 Kings 23:1-27
06.12.22 - "Discover the Joy of Spiritual Nourishment" - Selected Scripture
06.05.22 - "An Encounter with God's Word" - 2 Kings 22:8-20
05.29.22 - "Responses to God's Word" - 2 Kings 22 & 2 Chronicles 34
05.22.22 - "The Spiritual Return of One" - 2 Chronicles 33:1-20
05.15.22 - "Spurning the One Who Called You" - 2 Kings 21:1-18
05.08.22 - "Embracing Christian Parenting" - Selected Scripture
05.01.22 - "God ... Man ... and the Gospel's Call" - Selected Scripture
04.17.22 - "Response to the Resurrection" - John 19:38-20:9 (Resurrection Sunday)
04.03.22 - "Hearts Given to Worship" - Communion Devotional
03.27.22 - "Being the Church Together" - Selected Scripture
03.20.22 - "An Obstacle We Struggle to See" - 2 Kings 20:12-21, 2 Chronicles 32:24-33, Isaiah 39
03.13.22 - "Prayer and God's Reputation" - 2 Kings 20:1-11, Isaiah 38
03.06.22 - "A God Centered Response to Trials" (Part 2) - 2 Kings 19:8-37
02.27.22 - "A God Centered Response to Trial" (Part 1) - 2 Kings 19:1-7
02.20.22 - "When Faith is Challenged" - 2 Kings 18:5-8, 13-37
02.13.22 - "When God's Preeminence is Esteemed" - 2 Chronicles 31
02.06.22 - "Grace's Invitation" - 2 Chronicles 30
01.30.22 - "When God's Preeminence is Restored" - 2 Chronicles 29
01.16.22 - "Let's Be Different" - 2 Kings 17:18-41
01.09.22 - "But Why, God?" - 2 Kings 17:1-18
1.2.22 AM - "The Sweet Work of the Cross" - Communion Devotional