Outreach and Ministry
Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Matthew 28:20 NIV
First Baptist Church of Havana, Florida is privileged to help support the following missions/ministries among others:
Community Cares: A food pantry that serves Leon and Gadsden Counties
118 SW 3rd St., Havana, FL 32333
(850) 539-5349
Pregnancy Center of Gadsden County
106 NE 1st St., Havana, FL 32333
(850) 539-1221
Center Brochure
Operation Christmas Child: Sending shoe boxes with toys and goodies to children in need
Lottie Moon Christmas Offering: Supports the work of missionaries
Annie Armstrong Easter Offering: Supports the North American Mission Board
Gadsden County Baptist Association
Community Cares: A food pantry that serves Leon and Gadsden Counties
118 SW 3rd St., Havana, FL 32333
(850) 539-5349
Pregnancy Center of Gadsden County
106 NE 1st St., Havana, FL 32333
(850) 539-1221
Center Brochure
Operation Christmas Child: Sending shoe boxes with toys and goodies to children in need
Lottie Moon Christmas Offering: Supports the work of missionaries
- 1.4 million Gospel presentations
- 266,000 baptisms
- 24,000 churches started
Annie Armstrong Easter Offering: Supports the North American Mission Board
Gadsden County Baptist Association